
Sunday, November 16, 2014

What word is God giving you in 2015?

His Kingdom Come will be leading our members in Logos365 during 2015.

His Kingdom Come believes that there is great power in the Word of God.  Many people choose one word that represents what they want to see more of in their life during a year. There are websites and books dedicated to this.  New Year resolutions come and go very quickly, but this process is allowing God to work in your life and for your focus to become His word for you that lasts an entire year in your life. People choose this word through thoughts or through a word occurring in their reading or devotion time that “speaks” to them. At His Kingdom Come we believe that God will guide us to what he wants to see more of in our lives during the year. 

The logos365™ project is our way of finding your word through prayer, bible study and reflection. What do you do with your logos365™?  You live with it, you invite it into your life, and you let it speak to you. You follow where it leads you.  Your logos365™ is not some promise you will keep for the rest of the year to be better. The intent of your word is that it will become a part of your for the rest of your life.  Your word builds upon each other each year, and springs forth from the places you feel you left off from your previous word.  Each word you choose builds upon each other as God’s heart becomes embedded in your character. So, the question is

As you consider selecting a word for yourself this year, remember there is no right or wrong choice. Words like abide, abundance, obey, expect, prayer, surrender, delight, submit and listen can be a very powerful experience as you allow God to guide you in your word.  This happens in your daily life, in prayer, relationships and bible study.  

So how do you find your logos365™?  Feel free to use the self- assessment tools posted at His Kingdom Come in the logos365™  group to help you identify your word and to set some personal goals around your word.  If you have participated in a one word program before choose the logos365™ returning student worksheet, or if you are totally new to the process use the logos365™ new student worksheet.

To make logos365™ real in your life, consider keeping a logos365™ journal, or creating a scrapbook or a photo book. Keeping a journal throughout the year is crucial to making this word project not just a new year’s resolution, but a change in your walk- a transformation!  If you are participating in the take me deeper process, then you can incorporate your logos365™ into your journal.   If you are not participating in the take me deeper process here are some logos365™ suggestions.

1.     Journaling: There are many kinds of journaling you can do. Pick one that works for you.
·       Open a word document on your computer that you write in each day
·       Get a spiral notebook, that you use to journal this process
·       Buy a blank page journal where you can do some doodling, drawing, and pasting pictures, etc
·       Create an art journal where you can write and play (can use your Take me deeper journal)
·       Create a weekly, monthly or quarterly post on your blog or at His Kingdom Come about your logos365™ journey.

2.      Accountability: share your logos365™ with your local small group.  If you don’t have a local small group, we invite you to share at His Kingdom come. Share your word and stay accountable with the online group throughout the year!   Find an accountability partner either in person or on HKC. This would be someone that you can share your deepest thoughts with and who will hold you accountable to your own goals and process. 

3.      Local small group:  Schedule specific meeting dates that you can discuss with your small group and your accountability partner during this stepping out in faith.

4.      Online group at His Kingdom Come: we will spend a few weeks in January seeking our logos365™. There are worksheets available for free to assist you in the process of spending time with God and discovering what logos365™ He provides to you.  Quarterly we will have a weekly discussion about your ongoing progress, any struggles, any praise reports and would love to see how your logos365™ has intertwined throughout your life.

5.     Create- make something to keep in your home, at your desk like a canvas, quilt, photo, poem, art journal, wooden word art that will keep your logos365™ in front of you throughout the year. See His Kingdom come for lots of creative examples.

Go deeper
Find out how logos365™ will impact your daily life
And draw you closer to the person God wants you to be

Will you walk out in faith with us in 2015 and live by your logos365™?

Come and have fun, faith and friendship for free at His Kingdom Come!
Join us at and sign up for the logos365™ group.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Take Me Deeper!! 52 Weeks!!

His Kingdom Come is so excited to announce the preparations are done and we are ready to launch

Take Me Deeper™ is a free weekly journey at His Kingdom Come beginning Friday, January 2 2015.   Take Me Deeper™ will be a weekly devotional and verse that will prompt us to spending time in His word. It is about each of us encouraging, sharing and studying the word.

Each week you will get the opportunity to translate bible study into art- mixed media, a journal, a photograph, or a digital page, poem, music. Every Friday HKC will post a verse, devotional, worship video and examples of how we interpreted the bible study in our art.  We pray that these 52 weeks will change how you approach, engage and apply God’s word in your life and art. At the end of the year regardless of how many weeks you participated, you will have created a legacy of the faith walk. This legacy will show you how God has moved in your life!

v Who can join?
We welcome anyone who wants to take their faith walk deeper into understanding God’s Word and deeper into their creativity. We will begin January 2, but you can join at any time during the year. You can’t be “behind” since this is about your personal journey with God and your creativity. The community at His Kingdom Come will walk with you, support and encourage you!

v Where will the devotionals be? 
Posts will be on the HKC site and on the HKC Facebook Page.

v Where can I share and discuss my preferred art medium? 
Discussions will be across all the art mediums, so feel free to check out each art group for ideas, questions, suggestions and creative ideas.

v So how do I start?  
First, become a member of His Kingdom Come. It is free and the first step in accessing all the creativity on the site.  Beginning December 2014, HKC will have suggestions for making a journal, decorating a journal, what journal to use, and supplies to gather.

v If I am doing other projects, can I incorporate them into Take Me Deeper?   
Yes, if you are part of the Journaling Bible community, or any other art community or project, you can mesh all the projects together.  Take Me Deeper will assist you in reading your bible, understanding God’s word, and helping you learn how to express your God-given creativity.

v What about One Little Word or My One Word?  How does that fit into this process? 
So glad you asked!  Part of Take me deeper will be the opportunity to participate in Logos365™- finding the word God gives you to focus on for an entire year. Logos365™ will be a component of Take Me Deeper.  We will offer a worksheet for you to use to discover your logos365™, discussions about how to identify your logos365™ and how to live your logos365™ out through the year.  Then, monthly Logos365™ prompts will initiate discussions about how you are doing living your word.

Go deeper
Find out how 52 weeks will change how you
& apply God’s word

52 devotions 
  52 verses
52 art projects

Will you walk out in faith with us in 2015 and go deeper?

Come and have fun, faith and friendship for free at His Kingdom Come!

Join us at and sign up for the Take me Deeper group Here